Mercredi 29 juin 2005 à 12:57

SOmething just isn't right

I can feel it inside

The truth isn't far behind me

I'm living a lie


*When I'm alOne

I feel sO much better

And when I'm arOund yOu

I dOn't feel*



It doesn't feel right at all


TOgether we've built a wall


HOlging hands we'll fall

Hands we'll fall

This has gOne On toO lOng

I realize that I need

SOmething goOd tO raly On

SOmething fOr me



It dOesn't feel right at all


TOgether we've built a wall


HOlding hands we'll fall

Hands we'll fall*


My heart is brOken

I'm here

My trOughts are OhOking

On yOu, my dear

On yOu, my dear

On yOu, my dear


*chOrus (bis)*


When I'm arOund yOu

When I'm arOund yOu

I dOn't feel tOgether, nO

I dOn't feel tOgether, nO

When I'm arOund yOu

When I'm arOud yOu

I dOn't feel tOgether, nO

I dOn't feel tOgether




Par lumiere-o le Jeudi 30 juin 2005 à 18:39
lol! j'adore avril!
col les paroles, pour uen fois que je comprend a peu près!

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